Love it. Dont bother getting a tutor for Chem, just download this app!
Love it. Dont bother getting a tutor for Chem, just download this app!
Thank god for this app! I really wish my professor and the textbook explained these concepts this simply. It makes chemistry a lot more understandable and not as scary. Thank you!!
This app should be way more popular! Now I finally understand concepts like balancing equations!!
In teaching there are people that know it all but dont know how to explain it. This definetly is an application in which someone is gifted at teaching and knows how to get difficult concepts in a simple maner
For $4.99 you get whole General chemistry contents explained like how you wished. This app made me change my attitude about chemistry, Thank you so much
This app explain things in a manner of excellence. I definitely recommend it, its worth the $4.99. This app has 80 lessons, and other really cool and really helpful tools that can help you with chemistry.
This app is five stars rad.
Taking chemistry is made easier by this app. Listening to lectures, taking notes, and studying from the book is less complicated because of this app.
Thank you thank you thank you. This guy is great and he goes through every type of problem all the different ways one might ever need to solve them. I only wish there was one for chemistry two!
Helped me stay sharp for chem 2! Has everything.
This app was the reason I passed chem 105. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was looking for an app like this- I use it on lunch breaks, airplanes- everywhere that I have to wait in line. I LOVE this app- its helped me out so much. Thank you!!!
I start college Chemistry in the fall and have never taken a chemistry class in my life. This app is a lifesaver - I feel like Ill be one step ahead now when school starts. I love the way he explains everything and how the instructor gives TONS of examples. Its much better than those hard to understand crash chemistry courses on YouTube. Everyone needs this app :)
Thank you so much because of this app it was so helpful . And I have a suggestion I want you to make another app that include another parts of chemistry that you did not mentioned please .
Wonderful app that should be mandatory for every Chem I&II student. Its a series of methodical, clear, and complete video lessons with tons of examples. In addition there are great flashcards for the stuff that just needs to be brute force memorized & a set of tools that were very useful during the laboratory portion of my classes. Cant say enough great things about this app.
This App is the best one among all other chemistry apps. Highly recommend it!
I am struggling with chemistry so much . My teachers vocabulary isnt very understandable. This really breaks everything down ! Everything makes sense. Thank you!
I loved the free lessons, they where very helpful. Althought, as soon as I purchased the app (which wasnt cheap) and tried downloading the videos this app became useless!!!
This app is by far the best chemistry reference app I have ever downloaded. There are tons of downloadable videos, many reference sheets, premade flash cards, and even 6 pages of formulas to reference to! Definentally worth $5 for anyone interested in chemistry
Wouldnt have survived Chem I without this app!! Thank you!!!!!!!